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De rosa

Sebastian De Rosa: Thousands of years ago, these hunters found a backwater planet. They taught humans how to build, and were worshiped as Gods. Every hundred years, the Gods would return. And when they did, they would expect a sacrifice. Humans were used to breed the ultimate prey. Alien vs. Predator. 20thth Century Fox, 2004. Movie.


  • Predator: Big Game. Dark Horse Comics, 1991. Print.

"No more than a shimmer in the air." Nayenengani is the monster slayer, one of the hero twins. He plays a very important part in the night way. Without him, we cannot dispel the adilgashii, or the evil it brings. It t akes many days of chants to banish the witch. The people must have help of the yataali (medicine man) in this difficult task, just as the yataali needs the help of Nayenengani, or he will not succeed. Their struggle helped form El Malpais.

Nakai, a yataali, faced an adilgashii in 1919 in Valencia County, New Mexico.

In the summer of 1991, Nakai's grandson, Enoch Nakai, encounters another adilgashii at Cole Army base. By 2017, Enoch goes hunting for more adilgashii on Bunting Island.

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Beowulf / Grendel


Inside Peter Keyes' trailer, on the monitors was the word 'Beowulf' written in the lower left corner of the screens, linking the Yautja to the man eating monster Grendel.

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"Cannibal Spirit"

  • Predator: Hell Come a Walkin'. Dark Horse Comics, 1991. Print.

This Choctaw legend says that the black man brought devils to the Ozark Mountains from the one he was stole from. Perhaps it is the cannibal spirit. The Elders claim that there's a cave hidden away in the mountains that reaches into the spirit world. When the moon is dark, the cannibal spirit that walks like a man but wears a face of a beast, finds its way up from the bowels of the earth and prowls the woods eager to slake its thirst for human blood.

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Devils and demons

[Superman vs Predator]
  • Superman vs. Predator. DC Comics, 2000. Print.
  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.
  • Predator: Hunting Grounds. IllFonic / Playstation, 2020. Game.

Machu, a South American guide, re-describes the events of 1987 as folklore, which Trabor confirms after stripping away the superstition aspect.

The "sky devil" was the Jungle Hunter. The "champion soldier" was Dutch Schaefer. The "hellfire" that consumed the "sky devil" was its self-destruct system.

Jungle Hunter Jungle Hunter

Machu,: Years ago, foreign soldiers came to wage a secret war. They didn't tell us why. They never do. But this time, in their eagerness to kill each other, they failed to see a monster drop from the sky. A devil warrior, who had come to hunt the hunters.
The demon fought with unholy weapons - blades that cut through metal, fire like arrows from the sun. In honor of ancient gods, or perhaps mockery, he took trophies of blood and bone. Until at last, a single soldier remained, a rare champion with strength and wisdom enough to battle the sky creature. And so the beast became the wind, impossible to see, in order to hide from his former prey. It was a game of cats and mice, a contest which only one could survize.
In the end, through cunning and skill, the soldier triumphed. The demon fell to defeat. In his shame, the monster called up fire from hell to consume his body - here, at this place. And that is why it's forbidden to walk this ground. My people fear it might wake the demon - and bring him back. Superman vs. Predator. DC Comics, 2000. Print.

dutch When Dutch Schaeffer returned to Val Verde in April 1991, he was touring villages and small towns, using the cover of an author writing about South American folklore. The closer they were to the jungle, the more stories of devils in the trees. Some were lies, made up on the spot, but some carried consistencies that Dutch couldn't ignore. Whatever it was, the "Demons Who Makes Trophies of Men", the "Devils of the Trees", or the "Skull-Taker", the stories always began on the hottest summer that they could remember.

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  • Aliens vs. Predator: Eternal. Dark Horse Comics, 1998. Print.
  • Aliens versus Predator Annual 1. Dark Horse Comics, 1999. Print.

Dragon, legendary reptilian monster with wings, huge claws, and fiery breath. In some folklore the dragon symbolizes destruction and evil. In the sacred writings of the ancient Hebrews and Christianity, the dragon frequently represents death and evil. In certain mythologies, however, such as those of the ancient Greeks and Romans, the dragon possesses powers of good. Partially as a result of the conception of the monster as a benign, protective influence, and partially because of its fearsome qualities, it has been employed as a military emblem by many different cultures over time. The dragon also figures in the mythology of various Asian countries. It is deified in Daoism (Taoism) and was the national emblem of the Chinese Empire. It is regarded as a symbol of good fortune in the Chinese tradition.

As a boy in Tokyo, Li Yat's grandfather told him a cautionary tale of death and dragons, and men who walk like gods. It's their belief that Yautja hold the key to eternal life.

St George Saint George came to Bradilovo, Bulgaria. He sought to convert it to Christianity, as he had done with so many other villages throughout Eastern Europe. He wasn't aware that in the nearby forest lived a dragon that had been terrorizing the region for generations. The villagers fed the dragon sheep to satiate its thirst for blood. When it remained unsatisfied, they sacrificed villagers. Still, it was not appeased. The dragon demanded the king's only daughter. Otherwise, it would unleash its wrath upon the entire countryside. As Saint George was told this tale, he witnessed a ball of fire erupting from the sky. The dragon revealed itself from its shroud of flames, came to take the girl as a sacrifice. Instead, the beast found Saint George. The battle raged, until Saint George drove his lance deep into the beast's chest. The dragon (Yautja) was defeated, the village saved. On the site of this victory the church was executed and given the name of the village's protector.

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"Dudu ya proini"

Predator: Jungle Tales
  • "Pride at Nghasa." Predator: Jungle Tales.. Dark Horse Comics, 1995. Print.

A forest devil that lures the village men into the bush and kills them. Not for food, but only for the kill.

Name means 'forest devil.'

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Geshtu-E / Geshtu / Gestu

  • Prometheus. 20th Century Fox, June 8, 2012. Movie.
  • Encyclopedia of Gods. Michael Jordan, Kyle Cathie Limited, 2002

Geshtu is, in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology, a minor god of intelligence. Legend says that he was sacrificed by the great gods and his blood was used in the creation of mankind.

The Engineer sacrificing himself to create life on Earth may be the progenitor to this myth.

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  • Predator: Strange Roux. Dark Horse Comics, 1996. Print.

The Gollywomp used to be a normal human named Big John. He was in love with a woman who lived with another man. A voodoo woman told im that she could take care of his problem and get rid of the other man. Her spell worked: during a ride in a horse-drawn carriage, the .carriagecarraige somehow lost control and toppled over. The man was thrown from the carriage, dying upon impact with the ground.

Now, with her suitor out of the way, Big John was free to call on the woman he loved. There was only one problem. When the voodoo lady came to collect her pay, Big John didn't have it. She swore to punish Big John if he didn't pay. Big John knew that she would keep her promise. He'd figure out how to get the money first thing in the morning.

During the night, the voodoo lady's magic went to work. She was turning Big John into a bullfrog. There was only one thing left for Big John to do to stop the voodoo. Big John had hoped that killing the woman would stop her magic and change him back. However, it stopped it cold. Big John remained "stuck in the middle" - not a man, not a frog.

Now, Big John lives in the swamps where he kills other men and skins them. He is looking for a skin that fits him, so that he can be a man again and go call on that beautiful woman.

But folks don't call him Big John anymore. They took to calling him the Gollywomp.

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Hunting Star

Predator: Jungle Tales
  • "Rite of Passage." Predator: Jungle Tales.. Dark Horse Comics, 1995. Print.

A mystic read the mural of stars that fills the sky above the Serengeti. They tell of a heavenly body called the Hunting Star. It has no fixed position in the sky. It comes only once in a lifetime. Twice if you should live so long.

It comes only in seasons of record temperature, when the veldt burns and the stink of blood is everywhere.

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"Old Demon"

  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.

While she had no prior experience with Jungle Hunter herself at that point, Anna Gonsalves knew of its existence through folk legends of a "demon" that, during hot summers, would kill people and horribly mutilate their corpses as trophies.

Anna Gonsalves

Anna: "When I was little, we found a man. He looked like - like, butchered. The old women in the village crossed themselves... and whispered crazy things, strange things. 'El Diablo cazador de hombres.' Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year, it grows hot. We begin finding our men. We found them sometimes without their skins... and sometimes much, much worse. 'El que hace trofeos de los hombres' means the demon who makes trophies of men." Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.

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  • Predator: Nemesis.. Dark Horse Comics. Print.

A race of man-eating demons banished from Nirvana by the Hindu god, Vishnu.

The Yautja are associated to the Rakshasa when they are hunting in Bengal, India, in 1881.

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Sioux Legend

  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.

When Billy Sole was an infant, his people would tell stories of how a Herculean adversary who had come from the meadow in the sky, a god creature who had murdered half of the Sioux people. This was all generations ago, but the legend says it would return again.

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  • Predator: Nemesis.. Dark Horse Comics. Print.

Edward Soames wondered: What of the tales of spectral figures - hobgoblins and will o' wisps - that have haunted humans for centuries? Are they, too, just incarnations of the Yautja?

"Spring-heeled Jack"

  • Predator: Nemesis.. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • "Spring-heeled Jack." Wikipedia, 9 Mar. 2005. Web.

Spring-heeled Jack is an entity in English folklore of the Victorian era. The first claimed sighting of Spring-heeled Jack was in 1837. Later sightings were reported all over Great Britain and were especially prevalent in suburban London, the Midlands and Scotland.

There are many theories about the nature and identity of Spring-heeled Jack. This urban legend was very popular in its time, due to the tales of his bizarre appearance and ability to make extraordinary leaps, to the point that he became the topic of several works of fiction.

Spring-heeled Jack was described by people who claimed to have seen him as having a terrifying and frightful appearance, with diabolical physiognomy, clawed hands, and eyes that "resembled red balls of fire". One report claimed that, beneath a black cloak, he wore a helmet and a tight-fitting white garment like an oilskin. Many stories also mention a "Devil-like" aspect. Others said he was tall and thin, with the appearance of a gentleman. Several reports mention that he could breathe out blue and white flames and that he wore sharp metallic claws at his fingertips. At least two people claimed that he was able to speak comprehensible English.

"The Traveler"

On a night where "the moon don't got a face", a traveler came walking down the road. The only light for miles around was that coming from a mountaineer's cabin. So, the traveler knocks on their front porch. The man answers, and standing on the porch is a tall stranger dressed all in black. The stranger asks for shelter from the winter, and the mountaineer invites him in. Once inside, the stranger reveals himself - a demon come to devour him.

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