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Bishara's Syndrome

  • Aliens: The Cold Forge, Alex White. Titan Books, p56. April 24, 2018

Bishara's Syndrome is a condition born from colonization where descendants of colonists would manifest genetic disorders.

Bishara's syndrome was eventually lethal as it destroyed the muscles of its host, reducing them to become bedridden and emaciated, thus becoming physically weaker. Suffererss end up with colostomy bags and eventually requiring intubation. The condition would progress past this to the point where death would be inevitable.

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  • Alien3 20th Century Fox, 1992 movie

Cholera is a diarrheal sickness caused by the toxigenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae serogroup O1 or O139 infecting the intestine. When people consume cholera-contaminated food or water, they can become ill. Although the infection is frequently mild or without symptoms, cholera, if left untreated, can kill a person within hours, even if they were previously healthy. In industrialised countries, modern sewage and water treatment has practically eliminated cholera. However, cholera continues to be a problem in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Haiti.

When Clemens inquires as to why they must autopsy Newt, Ripley informs him that the girl may have contracted cholera, to which Clemens says there hasn't been a case of cholera documented in 200 years - ie, 1979.

Even if Ripley's extended hypersleep is taken into consideration, cholera would have been eradicated over a century before she was born. In this scenario, it seems exceedingly unlikely that she would recommend — or even be aware of — such a previous sickness - hence Clemens' disbelief of Ripley's story. Nonetheless, Clemens says that he would consider it unwise to tolerate even the possibility of an unwelcome virus as an outbreak of cholera would look extremely bad on a report. Actually cholera is caused by a bacterium called "Vibrio cholerae".

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Lacerta Plague

  • Alien Resurrection. 20th Century Fox, 1997. Movie.

Annalee Call mentioned the Lacerta Plague, which was an undiscovered disease. The plague's exact details and history are unknown, but it is thought to have occurred on Earth. When Callis trying to persuade her colleagues that the kiande amedha infestation is serious, she refers to it. The Lacerta Plague was an unknown epidemic that was mentioned by Annalee Call. The details and history of the plague are not known, however, it has been theorized that it took place on Earth. Call refers to it when trying to convince her comrades that the kiande amedha infestation was bad.

Annalee Call: He is breeding an alien species. More than dangerous. If those things get loose, it's gonna make the Lacerta Plague look like a f*****g square dance!" Alien Resurrection. 20th Century Fox, 1997. Movie.

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Rhodes Vaccine

  • Aliens: Apocalypse: The Destroying Angels. Mark Schultz and Doug Wheatley. Dark Horse Comics, Jan 27, 1999 – May 05, 1999. Print.

The Rhodes Vaccine was a bio-agent Keitel refined from Dr Rhodes' DNA. When sprayed onto a subject, the treatment acts as a cloak, keeping the kiande amedha from attacking the subject.

After taking three initial doses, eight hours apart, the subject will become permanently immunized.

XMB virus

  • Alien. 20th Century Fox, 1979. Movie.

Ellen Louise Ripley is confined to lunar quarantine facility during outbreak of XMB virus on Luna. She will spend the next 18 years in quarantine.

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