Spoiler Warning: The site contains plot and/or ending details.


Humans suffer from peculiarly self-centered notions as to the nature of life. We assume out of hand that other lifeforms must somehow conform to our comfortable standards of logic and morality. This is, of course, is absurd. Our human "morality" is a thin tissue of arbitrary principle, easily ignored when expedient. Why should we expect more from alien lifeforms than we expect from ourselves? 'Theory of Alien Propagation', Dr Waidslaw Orona


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.
  • "Why Do Humans Look Different in Different Regions of the World?" Anis Farheen. Quora.com, 29 July 2015. Web.
  • NECA Predator Series 13: Scavage Predator. NecaOnline. Figure.

With time, geographical conditions affected how humans look and how they live.

Like humans, several species of Yautja have evolved over time. There is a slight change (in color or magnitude) in any one of the features, characteristics, or facial structures of each. Jungle Hunter and City Hunter, the Super Yautja (a cousin of the Yautja - Scavage is half Yautja and half Super Yautja) and the Hish-Qu-Ten are examples of this.

Like humans or wolves, Yautja ancestors may not have been the apex species at first. Some time later, there was, however, an ancestor capable of cooperative hunting that evolved more intelligently and better-adapted. Many species of Yautja may have evolved over the centuries, but the current species became the world's dominant predator.

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Four-Armed Yautja

  • Predators: Preserve the Game. David Lapham. Dark Horse. July 2010. Print.

Following the defeat of the Super Yautja on the Game Preserve Planet in 2008, Royce and Isabelle have been trying to survive. In order to hunt them down, the Super Yautja dropped a big, Four-Armed Yautja on the Game Preserve Planet. His first motion was to kill the two in melee combat, without familiarizing himself with the surroundings or observing his prey. Isabelle shot him multiple times, killing the mutant even though the mutant failed to do any real damage.

It isn't known whether the four-armed creature developed naturally or if it was genetically modified.

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Hish-Qu-Ten / Super Yautja / "Classic" Yautja


Noland: There's two different types of them out there. Hmm? Now, they're similar, but they're different. It's kind of like the difference between dogs and wolves. The ones that are running things up there, the larger ones, hunt the smaller ones. It's some kind of blood feud, I guess. Been going on for a long time. Predators. 20th Century Fox, July 9 2010. Movie.

Forever Midnight
  • Hish-Qu-Ten: John Shirley. Predator: Forever Midnight. DH Press, April 2006. Print.
  • Noland / Super Yautja: Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.
  • “More Traits Associated with Your Neanderthal DNA.” Cell Press. Science Daily, 5 Oct. 2017, Web.
  • Scientists Can’t Say Whether Puppy from ‘the Divergence of Time’ Is a Wolf or a Dog. Bryan Meler, National Post, Nov. 29 2019, Web.

Among the Yautja species, there are variations that possess different abilities from those of their kind.

Noland may have been referring to the Super Yautja, but Hish-Qu-Ten may also be a distant cousin to the Yautja who has evolved off-world.

Wolf (Canis Lupus), dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris), and coyote (Canis Latrans) are all species of Canis Lupus. Approximately 14,000 to 40,000 years ago, humans domesticated modern dogs from a single population of wolves. Likewise, the modern human race coexisted with many other races. Homo erectus died out 70,000 years ago. Neanderthals died out about 30,000 years ago. Homo floresiensis died out 12,000 years ago. Red Deer Cave People died out 11,000 years ago. The Denisova hominin died out circa 40,000 years ago.

Since Neanderthals and Modern Humans interbred thousands of years ago, 2 percent of Modern Human DNA in non-African people comes from Neanderthals, including skin and hair biology, immunity, diet, sleep patterns, and mood.

Wolf Both dogs and wolves can have fertile offspring (as did humans and Neanderthals). The wolves and coyotes, however, do not have a close relation, so their offspring have difficulties communicating.

The Yautja and Hish-Qu-Ten have been compared to each other, in the same way wolves and dogs have been. It may have evolved as several species and more than one survived, becoming the dominant species on their homeworld - in spite of the fact that they are sequential hermaphrodites.They phase between genders involuntarily.

The Yautja and Hish-Qu-Ten may even have diverged recently. One of the oldest forms of a domestic dog may have been discovered in eastern Siberia in the summer of 2018: a frozen puppy that is more than 18,000 years old. DNA tests haven't been able to confirm whether the animal is a dog or wolf. It might be difficult to say because this one is right there at the time of the divergence. As a result, it could be an early modern wolf, an early dog, or a late Pleistocene wolf.

In terms of physiology, it is unknown why the Super Yautja differs.

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  • Super Yautja: Predators. 20th Century Fox. 2010. Movie.
  • Revna: Alien vs. Predator 0-4. Dark Horse Comics, 1991. Print.
  • Musk: AvP: Prey. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Heart: Predator: A Novel. Paul Monette. Jove Books, 1987. Novelization.
  • Scarface: Predator Concrete Jungle. Vivendi Universal Games. Apr 15 2005. Computer software.

Doctor Miriam Revna notes that Yautja have a different cell structure than Facehuggers, demonstrating that the Yautja are unrelated to kiande amedha.

Dachande had four cracked ribs, according to Dr. Revna.

A Yautja skull was kept by the Super Yautja in their trophy-room in 2008. Scarface collects the skulls of his three brainwashed clan-brothers in 2030. A Yautja skull is a decorative part of Hunter Borgia's armor.

A Yautja's heart rolls like a hummingbird in a swift quadruple motion.

They give off a musk other Yautja (despite having no visible nose), and canines, can detect - but humans cannot. When canines sense them, they usually whine, heads down, or else store out and make unhappy noises in their throats. The Yautja's scent for aggression is an oily, bitter smell.

The Yautja prefer hot, humid conditions with an atmosphere rich in nitrogen.

cold war

Not only could they press up against metal heated to 120 degrees Celsius without burning, they seemed to relish the heat. Predator: Cold War TPB

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Anna: After the big man was killed, you must have wounded it. Its blood was on the leaves.

Dutch: If it bleeds, we can kill it. Predator. 20th Century Fox. 1987. Movie.


  • Carbon-based: Batman vs. Predator. Dark Horse / DC Comics. Print.
  • Bergstrom's Theory: Predator: Homeworld Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • “Bioluminescence.” Wikipedia, 9 Nov. 2018, Web.
  • “Sulfhemoglobinemia.” Wikipedia, 2 Nov. 2018, Web.
  • “Scientists Discover 'Glowing' Sea Turtle.” Hilary Hanson. HuffPost Canada, 30 Sept. 2015, Web.

Yautja have different blood from humans. Human blood is purple (turning red when exposed to air due to hemoglobin). They use iron to perform the task of binding the oxygen molecule. Yautja blood is a dark phosphor green, possibly due to different oxygen carriers in their hemoglobin. The Yautja may be using copper or something similar to it to bind methane molecules.

Their blood neutralizes kiande amedha's blood's caustic effects (to a degree).

Batman tested some Yautja blood. Though the biochemistry was alien, the blood was carbon based. With this knowledge, he could use a wide-spectrum tranquilizer, with a dosage enough to stop a herd of rhinos, for incapacitating the Yautja. This find also lends credence to Dr. Bergstrom's theory that they may have originated from Earth.

prasinohaema Green blood is common on Earth. A whole group of skinks bleeds green. Their genus name is "Prasinohaema" (Greek for "green blood"). These skinks have green blood because of a buildup of liquid called bile. They are the only vertebrates on Earth that can survive this, with a concentration so high that the blood and surrounding tissue turns green (like the inside of City Hunter's arm when it is cut off by Mike Harrigan; all green). This green bile pigment (biliverdin) formed by catabolism of hemoglobin and converted to bilirubin in the liver; it may also arise from the oxidation of bilirubin.

Humans with higher levels of biliverdin are less likely to get cancer or cardiovascular disease. This could be a contributing factor to the Yautja long lifespan: fewer diseases because of biliverdin.

Yautja blood may contain white phosphorous. When in contact with oxygen, white phosphorous gives off a faint green glow. This is extremely unlikely that the Yautja have this in their blood as the reaction is slow, and Yautja blood immediately glows upon interaction with air (or inside the body).

A human having green blood, caused by sulfhaemoglobinaemia, is a rare condition that occurs when a sulphur atom mixes into the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin protein in blood, and causes cyanosis. The condition goes away as red blood cells regenerate. A transfusion might be necessary in extreme cases.

Blood Viscosity / Blood Thickness


Viscosity indicates of the 'thickness' of the blood, meaning its resistance to flowing normally. The thicker the blood, the more it moves sluggishly. When cut or injured, the human body stops the bleeding when red cells stick together to form clots in a process called coagulation. Thrombin, a blood enzyme, enters the bloodstream to create a single clot. When done, the clotting process should come to a halt.

Sometimes these clotting agents do not turn off, but rather begin to coat the capillaries with a fibrin layer. This causes the blood to become thick, hindering the circulation of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones and prevents the successful transfer to tissues and cells throughout the body. This may result in widespread nutritional and hormonal deficiencies as well as Hypoxia, a condition in which cells have a low level of oxygen.

This is a possible explanation for the unusually thick blood of the Yautja.

Warm or Cold Blooded

Jungle Hunter
jungle hunter

With a few exceptions, mammals and birds on Earth are warm-blooded, and reptiles, insects, arachnids, amphibians, and fish are cold-blooded. This means the temperature of an animal's blood correlates with its body temperature.

Jungle Hunter's hand is far warmer than the surrounding area, just like that of Billy. When Jungle Hunter is reaching towards Dutch's neck, his hand is the same temperature as Dutch. As humans are warm-blooded, this indicates Jungle Hunter is also warm-blooded.

Infrared When Jungle Hunter held the scorpion (cold-blooded), it is the same temperature as the surrounding area. This is because cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of the surrounding environment, whereas warm-blooded creatures maintain a constant body heat (through sweating and such).

In 2004, three hunters embark on a mission in the remotest region on Earth (Bouvetøya), which has an average temperature of -3 degrees Celsius. Cold-blooded animals need to stay warm to function. Therefore, if a cold-blooded creature were to go to Bouvetøya, it would be extremely lethargic. Not only were the Yautja not lethargic, but they could kill at least nine humans above ground, and three more below it. Warm-blooded creatures attempt to maintain constant body temperatures and can survive in all sorts of different climates.

CityHunter The eating habits of the Yautja are also indicative of their blood type. City Hunter goes to the slaughterhouse to eat every two days. If it was cold-blooded, he could survive much longer without food because he was not capable of changing its own body temperature (varies with the temperature of the surroundings). If he were warm-blooded, he would have to eat on a regular basis every other day.

Given all the evidence, the Yautja are warm-blooded.

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  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator 0-4. Dark Horse Comics, 1991. Print.
  • AvP: Prey. Steve Perry and S. D. Perry. Bantam, May 1994. Print.
  • AvP vs. Witchblade/Darkness: Overkill 1-2. Paul Jenkins, Top Cow/Dark Horse Comics, Nov-Dec 1999. Print.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.

The Yautja are bipedal with two thick arms and two legs that bend using elbows and knees, broad shoulders, a mouth, and two eyes.

The Yautja stand at least seven feet (2-2.5 meters) tall.

Having only a little body fat due to their predatory lifestyle and diet, an average Yautja weighs between 250-350 lbs. Most of their weight is muscle, which is slightly denser compared to humans with many more fibers. Because muscle tissue is harder and many times stronger, a Yautja can take multiple gunshot wounds, as denser tissue would add more resistance and less penetration from small firearms. They are also capable of enduring excruciating pain.

Generally, the Yautja have an ovular shaped scalp surrounded by two rows of sharp, protruding ridges (bone or cartilage) acting as a cranial exoskeleton, protecting their heads from blunt impact and to ensure the safety of the Yautja's eyes. A Yautja's head is far larger than that of a human's. It also angles forward and slightly down.

Their midriff is larger and more muscular than a human's midriff. It has toned with abdominal muscles and muscular pecks with no evident nipples.

The legs have huge, muscular thighs, extending to thick, strong calves and ending in large feet, with leg muscles allow Yautja to leap about 20' up and 25' across on average.

Yautja Foot A Yautja's feet have five toes, four larger ones in the front and one smaller one closer to the heel pointing inward. The toes end in sharp, yellow toenails dig into the ground to gain better footing. Jungle Hunter wore sandals, presumably as the underside of its foot would react similar to how a human's would; it would harden up to prevent serious damage and to deal with the harsh ground.

Yautja Hand They have five fingered hands (four fingers and opposable thumb), ending in sharp, black claws. Their hands are far larger than a human face, as Jungle Hunter wrapped its hands almost completely around Dutch's neck. Like humans, the skin on the underside of their hands is soft, but the color is a darker shade of beige. The top of their hands is the same color, except hardened and riddled with black spots.

Their mouths have four mandibles around them, much like a set of lips. Vertical slits of its mouth open wide to reveal inner teeth. These mandibles are for communicating much as a cat uses its tail to communicate its mood.


Classic Yautja
  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.

They are highly resistant to heat and fire-based attacks, as well as radiation and electricity.

Most Yautja have reptilian skin bearing mottled red, green, and yellow patterns. The skin on the head varies in tone between each creature. Many Yautja also have varying patterns on their torsos and foreheads. Some have a mottled patch of black spots, while others have intricate diamond formations made up of many colors. Jungle Hunter had dark beige skin covered in black spots all over the face and in the middle of the scalp, turning it almost completely black.

As mentioned, as most of their weight due to muscle tissue is harder and many times stronger, a Yautja can take multiple gunshot wounds, as denser tissue would add more resistance and less penetration from small firearms, protecting the Yautja's important internal organs from attack better than that of human body armor. They evolved this to aid from injury. Therefore, they are capable of coping with far more pain and surviving fatal wounds that would have left humans dead or unable to do any strenuous physical activity.


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • High-tech hair: Alien vs. Predator: Novelization. Marc A. Cerasini. Harper Entertainment, 2004. Print.
  • AvP Requiem. 20th Century Fox, 2007. Movie.
  • Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.
  • Braiding ritual: AvP: Hunter's Planet. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Hair Length: AvP: Hunter's Planet. David Bischoff, 1994, Banta Spectra. Print.
  • Gotham: Batman versus Predator III. DC / Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Hish: Predator: Forever Midnight. Dark Horse, 2006. Print.
  • Bayou Lafourche: Predator: Strange Roux. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Neonopolis: Predator: Concrete Jungle. Vivendi Universal Games, 2005. Computer software.

Yautja have short hairs covering their eyebrows, jaw line, and head, and running down the chest and stomach. These are far thicker than human hair.

The Yautja's long jet-black "hair" usually extends down to their shoulders, and braided into "dreadlocks." This process is part of an agonizing ritual, which takes months to perform. During the process, any Yautja exhibiting pain will endure it again. Often, Yautja decorate their dreadlocks with gold colored ornaments. After a few years and through a combination of pressure and chemicals used to treat the braids, the "hair" strands within the dreadlocks bond into one solid piece.

Several adult Yautja individuals have dreadlocks of notably different lengths. Yautja desire longer tresses over short ones; the length of a Yautja's dreadlocks reflects their skill in battle and suitability as a mate, with short dreadlocks being seen as unattractive by the female of the species.

One of the Yautja hunting in Gotham has short, uniformly cut dreadlocks.

Machiko Noguchi shears off her own dreadlocks in order to escape the grip of a Queen. She notes that it would make her less attractive to male hunters, suggesting the tresses to be a body part involved in attracting the opposite sex, particularly Yautja males.

Some Ancient Yautja have been seen to have gray dreadlocks - like the one seen in LA in 1997 or in Antarctica in 2004, indicating the appendages lose color with age, similar to human hair.

In 2004, the Yautja apparently use their "High Tech Dreadlocks" as scanning devices.

These dreadlocks may not just be hair, but tendrils. The Hish-Qu-Ten have flesh braids. In Bayou Lafourche, 1931, the Yautja's dreadlocks, when shot off, and they bled profusely.

The 2004 Predalien eventually grew dreadlocks, implying they are genetic. In Neonopolis, 2030, Hunter Borgia began to undergo genetic augmentation because of Dark Blade Yautja clan's DNA. He began to develop dreadlocks similar to the Yautja's in place of hair.


Wolf Lion Smilodon
  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • "Predators: Facts." Science Trek: Idaho Public Television. 2016. Web.
  • "Tooth Anatomy" Colgate-Palmolive Company, 2016. Web.

Most animals on earth have different kinds of teeth. Carnivores tend to have Incisor and Canine teeth. Some examples of matching fangs and jaws of earth's carnivores are lions, wolves, and saber tooth cats. None of them has upper jaws devoid of teeth other than fangs. The saber tooth cats had massive fangs on the top with smaller, pointed teeth between them and on the lower jaw, the lower jaw having no fangs.

Below the eyes on the Yautja is the mouth, with no visible nose. Their mouths are small and ovular. Their teeth are small (less than one inch), extremely sharp, with a yellow-brown coloring.

The skin around it is pink, very similar to the color of human gums. The interior of the sheet of skin connecting the mandibles is also the same color.

On the upper jaw, the Yautja has two fangs separated by a few inches of pinkish gums. The bottom jaw has four smaller teeth that fit into the gap between the fangs on the upper jaw.

The Yautja's teeth fangs seem to be made of the same stuff (based upon the shape and coloration).


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.

They have four mandibles around the mouth, two on the upper jaw and two on the lower. The lower mandibles extend further and are far larger than the upper jaw counterparts. Long, sharp tusks tip all four. While wearing their masks, mandibles cover the mouth to hide it completely.

Yautja use their mandibles for communicating, much as cats use its tail to communicate its mood. They click the fangs together and communicate in a manner similar to Morse code, or they move them in designated patterns to communicate like sign language.

Snake The Yautja also use their mandibles as a form of intimidation. When a Yautja screams, its mandibles open wide as if to amplify the sound and scare their prey. This can be likened to the actions of cobras, which flare their headrests to warn and scare away attackers.

Like the crustaceans on Earth, the Yautja could use them to shovel food quickly into their mouths and to catch any dripping bits and juices from their meal.

The mandibles could be used as a weapon. A could sink its mandible jaws into flesh and then begin to bite at its opponent with its inner jaw.


  • Apex: Mortal Kombat X. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, 2015. Computer software.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.

The Yautja do have tongues, although there have been a few variations. The most noted case of a Yautja with a visible tongue is City Hunter tongue - it is a forked tongue, similar to a snake's own forked tongue.

The Apex Yautja's own tongue is flat and not forked-- appearing similarly to that of a human's - as seen when Apex Yautja roars.

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Natural/Sensory Abilities:


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • "Do all human eyes see exactly the same things?" Esther Yeh. Quora.com, 21 July 2012. Web.
  • "Humans Can See Infrared." Esther Inglis-Arkell. IO9, 02 Dec. 2014. Web.

The Yautja's eyes are sunk far back and vary in color from Yautja to Yautja, but are usually green or yellow. Jungle Hunter had yellow, cat-like eyes with pitch-black irises. They have IR receptive cones in their retinas. This can be supplemented with the use of their mask.

Vision is always different for different people. Basically, most normal humans will perceive the same colors approximately the same way, but people with color vision deficiencies will perceive them in differently.

There are numerous animals that sense infrared light; relatively few of them sense it with their eyes.

Although all these animals do have eyes, and some have what is considered "heat vision," none of them use their optic retina to obtain this heat vision.

The Yautja sees in true thermal imaging. Their helmet overlays with the Yautja's natural thermal image vision. This allows them to more accurately identify its surroundings. Without its mask, what it sees is a confusing mess of heat.

It could be that City Hunter was slightly colorblind, or that each Yautja is from different clans and this gives different vision due to a genetic variation between them.

Smell / Olfaction

no nose
  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • "Four Weird Ways Animals Sense the World." Jason Bittel. National Geographic Society, 22 Nov. 2004. Web.
  • Musk: AvP: Prey. Dark Horse. Print.

The Yautja have no discernible noses, leading others to assume they have no sense of smell. Yet Yautja give off a musk other Yautja and canines can detect - but humans cannot. When canines sense them, they usually constantly whine, heads down, or else store out and make unhappy noises in their throats. Yautja's scent for aggression is an oily, bitter smell.

Many animals on earth appear to have no noses and yet have amazing senses of smell.


  • Jungle Hunter: Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Poison Oxygen: Predator 2: Novelization. Simon Hawke. 1990. Jove Books. Novelization.
  • City Hunter: Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Bergstrom: Predator: Homeworld. Dark Horse Comics, 1999. Print.
  • Batman vs. Predator. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • 1998: Superman/Batman vs. Aliens and Predator. Dark Horse/DC Comics. Print.
  • Captive Yautja: Predator: Captive. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Dachande: AvP #0-4. Dark Horse Comics, 1990. Print.
  • Ripley8: AvP vs. Terminator. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Big Mama: Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Hish-Qu-Ten: John Shirley. Forever Midnight. DH, 2006. Print.
  • Crocodile Heart: Secret of the Crocodile Heart. Abbie Thomas, ABC News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Aug 24. 2000, Web.
CityHunter JungleHunter Dachande Female Ripley8

Earth's current atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and a tiny percentage of other elements. Oxygen is the only gas useful to a human's body, and is inhaled and passed through the lungs into the bloodstream. It keeps the heart pumping and blood flowing. The only multi-celled organism which does not use oxygen (only recently discovered) is an unnamed Loricifera, a less than one millimeter long bottom dweller that lives three thousand meters under the sea in an area without oxygen.

The Yautja respiratory system depends on nitrogen. This has been noted on numerous occasions:

Considering what the atmosphere was like on Earth millions of years ago, Dr. Bergstrom theorized this was why the Yautja visiting Earth can survive without their masks. Both Jungle Hunter (in 1987) and City Hunter (in 1997) take off their mask yet can still breathe (though City Hunter uses a smaller mask to keep breathing due to city pollution). It is later revealed that oxygen is actually poisonous to them. So, they cannot survive long without their helmet in an earth-like atmosphere.

Whale The Yautja may have to have far larger lung capacity than humans. This is possible given their tremendous physical advantages by comparison. Whales surface every twenty minutes to breathe, and can forgo exhaling and inhaling for so long due to their massive lung capacity. This could explain how the Yautja can survive so long without their masks. They could easily breathe in the more-than-ample amount that Earth offers, using it and exhaling the other gases that their bodies do not need.

crocodile The saltwater crocodile's heart can also show how the Yautja can last so long in Earth's atmosphere, or hold its breath. The crocodile heart has a unique valve controlling the blood flow between the lungs and the remaining body. This is called a shunt. This allows the crocodiles to dive for several hours without needing to resurface to breathe.


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1989. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Predators. 20th Century Fox, 2010. Movie.

Yautja are adept at mimicking sounds or words they've heard on The Hunt - especially with the help of their technology. This is incredibly useful when luring prey into an ambush.


  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Alien vs. Predator. 20th Century Fox, 2004. Movie.
  • "How Do Snakes Hear Without Ears?" Animals - Mom.me. 09 Sept. 2013. Web.
  • "How Birds Hear Without Ears." Brian Stallard. Nature World News. 13 Dec. 2014. Web.

The Yautja can hear, yet there are no perceptible ears on their head. Jungle Hunter could, without his mask, hear Dutch's panting and speaking.

One of these could be a possible explanation for how City Hunter could hear Agent Keyes' team so easily in the slaughterhouse (through both their movement and the noise they made), and the subtle vibrations of the Kiande Amedha crawling behind a Yautja in 2004.

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Physical Abilities

Speed / Strength

hell walking
  • Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.
  • Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • "Humans Could Run 40 Mph, in Theory." Live Science Staff. Live Science, 22 Jan. 2010. Web.

Human speed is about 28 mph, up to a maximum of 40 Mph.

In 1997, City Hunter was run at a sustained speed of at least forty miles an hour (possibly faster) as he attacked a moving subway train. High jumping is also impressive (jumping to three times their height), but running broad jumping is more so. Effortless jumps from rooftop to rooftop of fifty feet or more were common in LA.

They are incredible climbers. They can move through the trees almost as fast as on foot, and can scale tall buildings in seconds.

Their strength is many times stronger than human bodybuilders, lifting well over 200 lbs. with one arm extended with ease and shattering solid concrete with their bare hands.


Yautja can fall ten times their height and land on their feet.

Yautja are more resistant to heat (boiling water gets uncomfortable after five minutes), invulnerable to electricity and to radiation.


They are fast enough to dodge bullets, if they see them coming and can, due to their tough hides, shrug off most small-caliber bullets.


Sergeant Mac Eliot: I know one thing, Major, I drew down and fired straight at it. Capped off two hundred rounds in the minigun, full pack. Nothing... Nothing on Earth could've lived. Not at that range. Predator. 20th Century Fox. 1987. Movie.

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Life Spans

subotai liyatsen -
  • City Hunter: Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • Li Yat Sen: AvP: Eternal. Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Subotai: Predator: Xenogenesis Dark Horse Comics, 1999. Print.
  • Golden Angel: Predator: 1718 (A Decade of Dark Horse #1). Dark Horse Comics. Print.
  • Elder in 2004: Alien vs. Predator. 20 Century Fox, 2004. Movie.

Yautja are quite long-lived, living sometimes up to 1000 years, despite their high mortality rate (given the nature of their culture).

The bowhead (aka the Arctic whale) is the longest living mammal on Earth. The oldest known bowhead whale is at least 211 years old. Some have been found with ivory spear-tips still lodged in their flesh from failed attempts by whalers 200 years ago.

Humans with higher levels of biliverdin were found to be less likely to contract cancer or cardiovascular disease. This could be a contributing factor to why Yautja live so long. This is also why Yautja may have green blood.

It is unknown what effects longevity has for a Yautja, especially mentally, once they attain such an elevated age. There may be a specter of dementia. Their bodies would become masses of writhing tumors or the mere containers of inoperative brains. Yet the few Yautja that has seen to have lived for 1000 years appeared not to be suffering any ill-effects.

- There was speculation that at least one Yautja had been alive since the dinosaurs. In City Hunter's trophy case is what initially appeared to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull. However, this skull has extended mandible bones that are reminiscent of the Yautja itself, so it may just be a large predator (likely sharing a common distant ancestor) from their home world, and not an Earth-based dinosaur.

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  • Jungle Hunter: Predator. 20th Century Fox, 1987. Movie.
  • City Hunter: Predator 2. 20th Century Fox, 1990. Movie.
  • C'ntlip: AvP: Prey. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Eating roots: Predator: Homeworld. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Sheep: Predator: Big Game 1-4. John Arcudi, Dark Horse Comics, March-June 1991, Print.
  • Eating muskrats: Predator: Strange Roux. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Machiko Noguchi: AvP War. Dark Horse. Print.
  • Council of Elders: Aliens vs. Predator: Chained to Life and Death. Dark Horse. Print.
  • “The Teeth of Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores.” Miami Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. Web.
Lion smilodonteeth teeth

Teeth adapt to the types of food that gets eaten. Herbivores have broad, flat molars with rough surfaces made for grinding leaves and small (or non-existent) canine teeth. Carnivores have long, sharp canine teeth to help them catch and tear into their prey, combined with some molars. Omnivores, because they eat both meat and plants, have both sharp front teeth and broad, flat molars for grinding.

The Yautja's top fangs and sharp teeth on the lower jaw are perfect for holding and ripping through flesh, perhaps with the aid of the fangs on the end of the mandibles. Their teeth may be for stripping meat off bones, not for chewing.

There are no teeth behind the visible ones. This indicates that they eat their food in large chunks, given their lack of chewing teeth. This also indicates that their digestive tracts (or saliva, or both) are far more effective at breaking down large chunks of food than humans, who have digestive problems when they do not chew. These eating habits indicate their blood type as being warm-blooded.

Unlike humans, Yautja can feed once every two days and maybe less frequently. Lion prides sometimes go for up to 2 weeks or more without food. Once they acquire it, they binge. As City Hunter had a metabolism to go without food for long periods, they may also binge. When busy hunting, the Yautja normally cook or prepare any meals. They prefer to hunt and kill the smaller game and eat raw meat.

pred cook On the Yautja ships Machiko Noguchi served on, lower ranking Yautja dealt with the food preparations, including cutting meat from small chicken-like animals. The animals were kept alive in small cages in the food preparation area. The Yautja also made meat stews, served from big pots. Machiko helped to serve this food but often felt like an outcast and not accepted to eat together with them. The Yautja sat around the big pot and ate the pink substance with spoons. A wine-like substance was served in jugs together with the food.

elder council A council of Elders was sitting around a round table outside on a balcony with a meal of a snake-like creature with eggs served in the middle. The Elders were holding small bowls which they raised to their mouths. Jugs of a wine-like drink were also around the table.

In 1931, a Yautja is seen skinning and eating muskrats in Bayou County.

Jungle Hunter, in 1987 probably ate the local wildlife, such as the pigs in area. It doesn't appear that he ate the bodies of those he hunted, as he tossed Billy's body off the tree after he ripped Billy's spine out.

elder council In the summer of 1991, Enoch Nakai encounters the crazed "Adilgashii" at Cole Army base. "Adilgashii" made a mess out of the sheep, possibly also sending a frightening message to humans.

City Hunter made frequent trips to a slaughterhouse to feed on cow carcasses in 1997.

Keyes Harrigan

Peter Keyes: It's taken us over two weeks to learn his patterns. He comes here every two days to feed. Seems he has a taste for beef.

Mike Harrigan: I didn't think he was a vegetarian. Predator 2. 20th Century Fox. 1990. Movie.

The Yellowstone Yautja in 1999, while hunting down a trio of young Bad Bloods, was observed eating plant roots, possibly guided to it either through instinct or scent.

The Killer Yautja feast on raw goat meat in-between fighting humans and other Yautja.

C'ntlip is a fiery Yautja brew that fogged mind and body with pleasure.

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